Mission Statement

Our Mission

Our mission is to help ascertain what education is to provide individuals first – with all their diverse talents and intelligences – and society second in order to promote social harmony and economic prosperity through individual self-discovery as it interacts and relates to the real world.

The quality of education must be seen as the priority in serving individuals with quantity being merely subsequent to this end. The principles of the U.S. Constitution, articulated in the Fifth Amendment,[1] demand that for property exacted in taxes from citizens, just and equitable compensation must be forthcoming for all. If the current system is ill designed to this end, then it is destructive of free government, thereby requiring significant changes to be made.

What needs to be taught, how much, and in what ways it can best be delivered to individuals – regardless of contemporary cultural norms – will be subjects of research to determine how to dramatically improve educational efficiency and effectiveness for all.

Significant effort will be invested in connecting subject matter in order to blur the lines that are jealously guarded by subject specialists so that all knowledge will be understood as inseparable and made useful to all who may benefit.

Considerable effort will also be expended in distinguishing between the memorization of facts for assessment tests – which the current educational regime has been optimized for a small segment of society – versus the development of reason – which has, in large part, been lost – for application to real world challenges that will serve citizens equally, thereby providing opportunity for all.

And finally, our purpose will be to inform and educate opinion leaders about the strategic importance of an appropriately designed educational curriculum for individual and social prosperity, peace, harmony, safety and security.

[1] “… nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.”